கல்வி சார்ந்த குறியீடுகளுக்கு விளக்கம் – IMPORTANT FOR TEACHERS

கல்வி சார்ந்த குறியீடுகளுக்கு விளக்கம்..

  • ABL : Activity Based Learning
  • ADEPTS : Advancement of Education performance through teachers support
  • ALM : Active Learning Methodology
  • APO : Assistant Programme Officer
  • AEEO : Assistant Elementary Educational Officer
  • AAEEO : Additional Assistant Elementary Educational Officer
  • AIE : Alternative & Innovative Education
  • AR : Attendance Rate
  • AWP&B : Annual Work Plan & Budget
  • BaLA : Building as Learning Aid
  • BC : Backward Class
  • BC : Bridge Course
  • BEC : Block Education Committee
  • BRC : Block Resource Centre
  • BRTE : Block Resource Teacher Educator
  • CAL : Computer Aided Learning
  • CLP : Computer Literacy Programme
  • CR : Completion Rate
  • CRC : Cluster Resource Centre
  • CRTE : Cluster Resource Teacher Educator
  • CCW : Civil Construction Works
  • CWSN : Children with special needs
  • DCF : Data Capture Format
  • DDRO : District Disabled Rehabilitation Officer
  • DEC : District Education Committee
  • DEEO : District Elementary Educational Officer
  • DEP : Distance Education Programme
  • DIET : District Institute of Education and Training
  • DISE : District Information System for Education
  • DLF : District Level Format
  • DPC : District Programme Co-ordinator
  • DPEP : District Primary Education Programme
  • DPO : District Project Office
  • DR : Dropout Rate
  • DRC : District Research Council
  • DRG : District Research Group
  • DTERT : Directorate of Teacher Education Research & Training
  • ECCE : Early Childhood Care and Education
  • EFA : Education for All
  • EER : Elementary Education Register
  • EGS : Education Guarantee Scheme
  • EMIS : Education Management Information System
  • GER : Gross Enrolment Rate
  • Govt. : Government
  • HI : Hearing Impaired
  • HHS : Household Survey
  • HS : High School
  • HSS : Higher Secondary School
  • ICDS : Integrated Child Development Scheme
  • IED : Integrated / Inclusive Education for the Disabled
  • KRP : Key Resource Person
  • KGBV : Kasthuriba Gandhi Balika Vidhyala
  • KGBVRS : KGBV Residential Schools
  • MBC : Most Backward Class
  • MCS : Model Cluster School
  • MGT : Management
  • MIS : Management Information System
  • MHRD : Ministry of Human Resource Development
  • MLL : Minimum Level of Learning
  • MPLAD : Member of Parliament Local area Development
  • MLACDS : Members of Legislative Assembly Constituency Development Scheme
  • MR : Mentally Retarded
  • MRW : Maintenance & Repair works
  • MTA : Mother Teacher Association
  • NCERT : National Council of Education Research & Training
  • NER : Net Enrolment Rate
  • NGO : Non Governmental Organisation
  • NPEGEL : National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level
  • NIEPA : National Institute of Educational Planning & Administration
  • NRBC : Non Residential Bridge Course
  • NRSTC : Non residential special training centre
  • OSC : Out of School Children
  • OH : Orthopedically Handicapped
  • PFE : Primary Formal Education
  • PMIS : Project Management and Information System
  • PTR : Pupil Teacher Ratio
  • PWD : Public Works Department
  • RBC : Residential Bridge Course
  • REM : Research, Evaluation & Monitoring
  • RP : Resource Person
  • RR : Repetition Rate
  • RS/RC : Residential School / Residential Camp
  • RSTC : Residential special training centre
  • SABL : Simplified Activity Based Learning
  • SALM : Simplified Active Learning Methodology
  • SAP : School Adoption Programme
  • SBT : School Based Training
  • SC : Scheduled Caste
  • SFG : Special Focus Group
  • SG : School Grant
  • SIT : Satellite Interactive Terminal
  • SMC : School Management committee
  • SSA : Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
  • SPD : State Project Director
  • SPO : State Project Office
  • ST : Scheduled Tribe
  • STC : Special training centre
  • TA : Traveling Allowance
  • TEC : Transit Education Centres
  • TLM : Teaching Learning Material
  • TLE : Teaching Learning Equipment
  • TR : Transition Rate
  • Trg. : Training
  • UEE : Universal Elementary Education
  • UPE : Universal Primary Education / Upper Primary Education
  • VEC : Village Education Committee
  • VER : Villageb Education Register
  • VI : Visually Impair